Friday, August 29, 2008

USA Network

Across all three panels, no other words or images are visible, except under black light—at which point photographs of the lead actor and supporting actress, a list of six potential “Drama Series” Emmy nominations, and four press blurbs (e.g. “The show floats along on a spy’s handbook. Narration that sounds remarkably convincing.” – L.A. Times) come into view. Also, tucked into a slot are 4 DVDs with this season’s 12 episodes, plus written synopses.

“Burn Notice,” named for the C.I.A. equivalent of a “pink slip,” is a drama about an ex-spy. The one hour show runs Thursdays at 10 EST on USA Network.

Agency: TDA ADVERTISING & DESIGN, Boulder, Colorado
Creative Directors: Jonathan Schoenberg, Thomas Dooley
Art Director/Designer: Matt Leavitt
Copywriter: Jeremy Seibold
Lithography: Cenveo Graphic Arts Center, Portland, Oregon from USA Network


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